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Check our high quality aftermarket OEM VAM module.
From Statex III DC truck to GTO and Invertex IGBT truck.
All four module are avaliable in stock.
Cost save, why repair.
Aftermarket, new, in stock.
17FM394J1 PB4252 78555C Isolation Amplifier Module, Carton Packing, 23x18x7cm, gross weight 0.55kg
17FM458A2 VE6118 BF3781 78568A Voltage Measurement Module, Carton Packing, 23x18x7cm, gross weight 0.55kg
17FM681A1 GE0857 41A325799G1 5 Channel Voltage Measurement Module, Carton Packing, 31x22x10cm, gross weight 1.4kg
17FM702A1 XA3720 84A218010P1 58F-43-00200 2003789 8 Channel Voltage Measurement Module, Carton Packing, 36x25x12cm, gross weight 1.8kg