» OHV » IGBT panel 17FM796 797
  • IGBT panel 17FM796 797

    We produced complete new aftermarket IGBT assembly for replacement, either field replace or overhual total replacement. Those unit are working perfect to replace the existing system.

    Tell us GE model number you have, we always has solution for exchange.


    Positive IGBT assembly

    GE1255 58E-43-00170 58E-43-00171

    Negative IGBT assembly

    GE1256 58E-43-00180 58E-43-00181

    Data: 1250A 2500V power module,

    Panel weight around 25KG/EA

    Each Unit with Gasket 58B-43-00410


    58E-43-00840 POSITIVE

    58E-43-00850 NEGATIVE

    58E-43-00860 CHOPPER

    1500A 3300V High power module

    • Description

    Controland has present the complete new assembly in mining market over 6 years,

    With our specific engineering design drive board, we can provide dedicate solution for your repair or overhaul application. with new IGBT power module and configured drive board. Our complete new assembly working well either single pair replacement or the whole truck replacement.

    Customer need to knows the fact Hitachi MBN1200E25C has End of supply since in Mar, 2021, all those module apprears in market labled with 41A296305ECP1 or Hitachi MBN1200E25C without original packing are the recycle module which taken off from previous customer(locomotive or truck) who is doing the overhual replacement due to the system stability drop down. We have seen may people sold in website those junck module and drive board(copyed IR P6) with no certified test and none proper PCB anti-noise protection. If you have bad experience of that, contact us, we will explain you why that is not applicable.

    First you need know, Same as the other power semiconductor product(like cellphone and computer), the IGBT module has life cycle. In regular with 10-12 year application, the fault rate are obiously raised, for a AC truck customer who has brought from 2008-2010, it is time that mass failure rated with those truck. In one time overhaul(28 pcs) with new assembly(be sure the module inside is new, not refurbished one) is key to extended truck live for another 10 years.

    China Customer has give task to us as a challange for cost saving. Till today, we have achieved over 400 pcs IGBT assembly installed on truck, start with Hitachi original module and transfer to China Rail module plus our modified drive board to fit.

    It is a great solution to reduce the overhaul cost and quick delivery keep the fleet free of down time. We have been start oversea sales of those IGBT’s since 2 years ago.  Looking for partnership to provide sales and service support to local customer.

    We also developing the new assembly for replace the latest black wabtec “high power” IGBT 17FM861 862, will coming soon.

    Our next Challange is to provide complete overhauled cabinet as exchange service… keep monite our news. coming soon..

    Enquiry Form ( we will get back you as soon as possible )


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